My first years in teaching were successful in part due to my fellow art teachers' blogs and the wealth of resources I found online. Here are links to my most visited art education links:
Elementary Art - Pinterest
Pinterest is basically art teacher Mecca. Every idea and resource organized and available right at your findertips. I find things on here that I never knew I was looking for.Elementary Art Teacher Blog of the Year - Art With Mr. E
Mr. E has a blog that I aspire to create one day. Very organized with new and interesting posts.Art Teacher Blog - Experiments in Art Educations
This blog features art lesson that include pictures and descriptions for the complete process of the project, great for ideas and also showcasing student work.Art Advocacy - National Art Education Association
A community of teachers, scholars, researchers, students, and artists come together around a shared belief in the power of the arts in developing human potential.
Art Institute of Chicago - Curious Corner for Kids!
One of my favorite museum pages which includes awesome and FREE resources for kids to play and explore art.Art Teacher Blog - Adventures of an Art Teacher
This blog is by a 4th year teacher in Kansas who chronicles the highs and lows of what is happening in her classroom
Christina, I also find that artists own website are quite useful too. My favourite artist is David Blackwood, and his website is where you can find copies of all of his work.
ReplyDeleteI think you are right MKB. I will definitely want to create a page of resources with links to artist sites for my students to access from my blog too.