Monday, July 29, 2013

Question Chain

Taking an idea from Tom Barrett's list of post for blogging in the classroom I decided to create a question chain. A question chain is a great way to start a discussion and create a forum for students to share ideas on a topic covered in the classroom.  This post would work with any content area and starts by the teacher asking a question on the classroom blog. The first student answers the teacher's question and then poses a new question. The second student answers that question and poses a third question, and so on and so forth. Questions cannot be repeated and credit will only be given for correct answers.  Please join my question chain- the topic is art!

Question #1:

Which artist created this artwork "Campbell's Soup I "?


  1. Christina, I love this activity and I will be doing some variation on it for sure with my students. I can see this becoming an amazing review tool or just a discussion starter that sparks creativity.

    Nice find! Also, I just wanted to tell you that I like your reactions poll on each post as well. It is an engaging tool!

  2. I never thought to use this activity in this way. Thank you for sharing. I'm going to have to try this. I really like how you utilized the question to gear it toward your subject area. Do you find you have a harder time with Art than other subjects or an easier time coming up with activities like this?

  3. Thanks! I found this idea online and just thought it would be a fun way to get my students involved on the blog. Even elementary students are very interested in art history, they are always telling me about Mona Lisa and asking questions about Picasso so I thought they might like to challenge one another too. I think with anything that deals with art and technology, you just have to be a little creative! ;)

  4. This is a creative twist to "I have, Who has?". This will be challenging for some students but I really think older students will enjoy it!

  5. Hi Christina,
    I plan to use a classroom blog in AP Literature this year for the purpose of asking and answering questions. I hadn't thought of doing a question chain, but I really like the idea.
